Hello. I'll be writing this in English.
Sorry for the wait.
Here's your beloved update.

Bugs like SFX, touch disabled after a game over, missing buttons, missing items, etc, have been fixed. You should actually be able to complete the game now.
I've fixed a few graphical errors as well. I forgot how to write Choromatsu's name...Sorry, Choromatsu.
English grammar has been tweaked a bit. Japanese grammar is still shit, though. ^^"
I apologize for not fixing these errors sooner. Please send me hate-mail in exchange.

Some of the environment has been touched up.
Walking speed has been increased. It became annoying... "OTL
There's some other minor Quality of Life fixes as well.
They aren't really noticeable unless you've played this a million times.

For the old players, some new secrets have been added as well.
By the way, they can only be found once you've collected all 7 Dragon Balls and turn down a certain street, if you didn't know beforehand.

There's also a Linux port, for those interested.
It runs better than on Windows, in my experience. I've bug-tested the game in Linux myself.
If you use Linux yourself, give it a shot.

I learned more about Javascript this year. Most gameplay would need to be re-written from scratch.
It's embarassing looking back on it... ;_;
However, it would be very tedious and time-consuming, and ultimately not worth it in the end.
I aimed to make a shitty game anyway, so maybe it was just meant to be like this.
The shitty-ness lies in the fact that all the controls are terrible ^^
So for now, I consider this game finished.

I have included the portraits and overworld sprites in a seperate ZIP.
If you're determined, you could break file encryption and get the other assets. It's very easy, there are forums dedicated to such topics.
But the assets are not very interesting. This isn't reverse psychology.
I want many people to make their own dojin games, so feel free to use them with or without credit.

I'm going to make a new Osomatsu-san game eventually, after I finish another project.
That project shouldn't take more than a few months. The demo for that one comes out at the end of this year.
I've already written the entire script and did half the programming for the new Oso-san game.
It needs a lot graphics given the nature of it, as well as some more fine-tuning programming-wise.
If you've found some of the secrets in this game, it'll give you a hint of what is to come. It's something nobody really asked for.
But there are red-herrings, so figure out what is real and what is false.

As always, if there are any more bugs, don't hesitate to reach out to me on Pixiv, Itch.io, DeviantART, Instagram, Pawoo, or the email address in the README.  I don't have any other social media profiles, so these are my only means of contact.
If there's no feedback, or if I don't notice soon enough (an entire year...), then nothing can be fixed.

So until then, collect resumes and die.

Get ハローワークに行こうぜ!!!